Online Book Club, THE MIDDLE PLACE by Kelly Corrigan

So, I got an email yestserday from someone at Hyperion, the publisher of The Middle Place, which is one of the books I gave away this week. She was intrigued by the idea of an online book club (which I referenced in this blog post), and asked if I might be interested in hosting one for that book.

Here’s how it would work:

1. Either she or I would send interested readers a free review copy of The Middle Place.

2. We’d all take a month or so to read the book.

3. On a pre-announced date, I would post a review of the book on this blog, and anyone who had read it and felt like responding or writing his/her own post would use the comments section to do so.

4. We end up with a long dialogue among several readers about The Middle Place, which anyone reading the blog could also read, then or later.

Simple as that.

Is anyone out there interested in participating? If so, send your address to me at [email protected] and I will pass it along to Hyperion.

Here’s what I wrote about the book again (I haven’t read it):

The Middle Place, by Kelly Corrigan. If you like Grey’s Anatomy, you might enjoy this memoir by a 30-something woman who is diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time that her father is fighting the the disease.  One book blurb says, "Kelly Corrigan’s utterly absorbing memoir is wry, smart, and often heart-wrenching. Corrigan takes us down memory lane and then, at the same time, down some other, darker road most of us hope never to travel. Yet we follow her all the way, quite willingly, thanks to her sharp eye and her great sense of humor."

The book is due out in early 2008.