Next Online Book Club Selection: MATRIMONY by Joshua Henkin

HenkinI’m happy to announce the next EDIWTB online book club selection. This is a first for the blog – knowing that I had gotten a review copy of his book late last year, the author suggested to me that his book be our next book club selection. And so… the next book is Matrimony, by Joshua Henkin. Here is my initial blog post about it, from last December.

I am very excited to read Matrimonyit has been on my TBR list for a while.  My only hesitation is that the themes in the book seem to be somewhat similar to those in The Post-Birthday World – marriage, relationships, and "the path not taken." I apologize for the similarity and promise that the next selection will be completely different – maybe a book about the Civil War? (Ok, I make no such promise).

Matrimony‘s publisher, Pantheon, has generously agreed to send a number of copies of the book to EDIWTB readers who would like to participate in the online discussion. Because the quantity is limited, I ask that you request a copy only if you think you will actually read the book at some point and maybe post a comment or two whenever you do.

If you’d like to participate, please send your mailing address to me at [email protected]. Depending on when the books go out, the online book club itself will take place around the middle of May.

Thank you to Josh and to Pantheon for helping facilitate another EDIWTB book club!