The New Classics

Two recent articles about books in Entertainment Weekly that I thought were worth passing on…

The first is from EW's latest issue about "the new classics". The magazine picked the books, movies, TV shows and music from the last 25 years that it deems worthy of the title "classic". Click here to see the 100 books that made the list.

Of the 100, I've read only 16. I was very happy to see four of my favorite books on the list: #29 Bel Canto (Ann Patchett), #82 Atonement (Ian McEwan), #14 Black Water (Joyce Carol Oates), and #60 Nickel and Dimed (Barbara Ehrenreich). There are also a few I was surprised to see on the list - Waiting to Exhale? Really?

Any books on the list you think shouldn't be there? How many have you read?

The other article I enjoyed was EW's list of recent memoirs. Basically, there is a memoir out there for every type of childhood, family, marriage, addiction, disease, racial identity, trauma religion, etc., and EW has captured quite a few of them. The article is entertaining, and will probably deter a swath of would-be memoirists who are disappointed to see that their life stories have already been written.

Have I mentioned lately that I love EW?