Years ago, I read Ron Rash’s novel The Risen, about the complicated relationship between two ...

Summer Fridays by Suzanne Rindell is a romance set in 1999 in New York City, ...

I have been consumed by bookstore stuff lately and while I’ve actually finished a few ...

I bought How To Protect Bookstores And Why: The Present and Future of Bookselling (from ...

Sociopath by Patric Gagne is a memoir about the author’s experience going through life as ...

Hi EDIWTB Readers! I am posting today with some very exciting news. I am opening ...

I love when authors take common scenarios and, thanks to introspective, detailed writing, turn them ...

I am way behind on posts, so in order to catch up these next few ...

Just as last year’s juggernaut Yellowface featured a shameless, amoral author taking advantage of woke ...

I love books with Sliding Doors/alternative endings formats, and boy did Holly Gramazio deliver with ...