Sociopath by Patric Gagne is a memoir about the author’s experience going through life as ...

I am way behind on posts, so in order to catch up these next few ...

Just as last year’s juggernaut Yellowface featured a shameless, amoral author taking advantage of woke ...

Generations by Jean Twenge is a meticulous, detailed exploration of the six living generations – ...

Leaving by Roxana Robinson is a wrenching novel about a couple in their 60s who ...

Lottie Hazell’s debut novel Piglet is about one British woman’s appetites – for acceptance, for ...

My book club’s pick for this month was Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt, ...

Remember me? I used to blog about books here. Sheesh. It’s been a while. To ...

The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters is a novel about an indigenous Mi’kmaq family in ...

One advantage to listening to a book vs reading it is that you can be ...