Years ago, I read Ron Rash’s novel The Risen, about the complicated relationship between two ...

Summer Fridays by Suzanne Rindell is a romance set in 1999 in New York City, ...

I have been consumed by bookstore stuff lately and while I’ve actually finished a few ...

I am way behind on posts, so in order to catch up these next few ...

Just as last year’s juggernaut Yellowface featured a shameless, amoral author taking advantage of woke ...

I love books with Sliding Doors/alternative endings formats, and boy did Holly Gramazio deliver with ...

After Annie by Anna Quindlen tracks the first year after the sudden death of Annie, ...

Lottie Hazell’s debut novel Piglet is about one British woman’s appetites – for acceptance, for ...

My book club’s pick for this month was Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt, ...

Remember me? I used to blog about books here. Sheesh. It’s been a while. To ...