I bought How To Protect Bookstores And Why: The Present and Future of Bookselling (from ...

Sociopath by Patric Gagne is a memoir about the author’s experience going through life as ...

Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class by Rob Henderson opens with ...

Generations by Jean Twenge is a meticulous, detailed exploration of the six living generations – ...

One advantage to listening to a book vs reading it is that you can be ...

Zibby Owens is a juggernaut in the publishing world. She is the host of the ...

Here are my favorite books of 2023! These are the ones that stayed with me ...

I read two memoirs by Kristi Coulter in October – Nothing Good Can Come From ...

Another short review because I am so behind! The Country Of The Blind: A Memoir ...

I am naturally drawn to the microgenre of memoirs about people’s jobs/careers – I love ...