Thanksgiving Post

I have to apologize for being a bit AWOL on the blog this week and last. Work has been very busy, then came Thanksgiving, and then a bunch of plans with my kids today and this weekend that have eaten up my time. Reading and blogging have taken up, sadly, a distant place on the to-do list as I try to keep my head above water. In order to finish Kevin before the book club on December 10, I have resorted to a page-a-day requirement like I used to do in college (ie I need to read 20 pages a day to finish on time). This saddens me to no end, because I am really enjoying the book, and wish I could just kick back with it! I just can't seem to find the hours to read it.

I would, however, like to add that as I thought yesterday about the things I am thankful for in my life, this blog and you readers were high on the list. I love the community that has sprung up around the blog, I love getting comments from you (even if I don't always respond -sorry!), I love hearing what you think about books and posts, I love corresponding with authors and asking them questions, and most of all, I am thankful for good books, which help make my life richer and so much more enjoyable.