Hi EDIWTB Readers! I am posting today with some very exciting news. I am opening ...

My reading year was mixed. Between the pandemic, two kids going through the college application ...

Another year, another EDIWTB Reading Challenge! Welcome to our returning and new participants! My goal ...

2022 was a pretty good year of reading. I’ll post my detailed stats later in ...

My reading year was definitely mixed. Between the pandemic, two kids going through the college ...

Another year, another EDIWTB Reading Challenge! It’s simple – read a book from each category ...

There are still 8 more days of 2021 (enough time to read another 5 star ...

I haven’t posted for two weeks. Crazy! It’s the 18th! What is going on??? I ...

We made it to 2021! YAY. Every New Year’s Day, Sheila at Book Journey hosts ...

What a year 2020 was! Sometimes, reading was my salvation, my escape, while other times, ...