Writer’s Guild Awards

Glee In addition to loving to read, I am also a big TV fan. I used to watch more than I do now, but I still manage to follow several shows a week, thanks to my DVR. And I just started a new job at Discovery Communications, home to the Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, etc., so I am even more immersed in TV.

Just like in books, I always notice good writing on TV. I find it pretty rare, so when the writing is good, it stands out to me. I was therefore very happy to see that several of the shows I love were nominated for Writers Guild Awards this year: Mad Men, Glee, 30 Rock, Modern Family, The Good Wife, and The Office. Like Jennifer Amstrong of Entertainment Weekly wrote, "I’m a writing-first kind of TV watcher, so it makes sense that I’d like this list."

Did any of your favorite shows make the list? Any missing?