Hello EDIWTB readers and book lovers everywhere – happy new year! I hope that 2010 brings you many hours of reading and the joy of discovering new books and authors. My main new year’s resolution is a simple one: to read more. I need to spend fewer hours on the computer and more hours actually reading. I know, hard to do as a book blogger! But that’s my biggest frustration – not getting through enough books. I fear that the publicists I know are going to put me on a no-review list and cut me off, because the books they send me must appear to go into a black hole. But I promise that I have the best of intentions and really do hope to get to them in the near future. They are in a safe place.
I thought I’d share my favorite two books from 2009. One wasn’t published in 2009, but I read it in 2009 – The Time Traveler’s Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger. For me, the hype was merited. That book has stayed with me since I read it last summer. Here is my review of it, as well as a comparison of the movie and the book. My second favorite is a recent read – Friend of the Family by Lauren Grodstein. Just my type of book – a meaty family drama that’s well-written and wryly observed – and reviewed here.
Here’s to another year of great reading!!
About Me
I have been blogging about books here at Everyday I Write the Book since 2006. I love to read, and I love to talk about books and what other people are reading.