Hi Everyday I Write The Book Blog fans! Thank you for reading my blog and ...

Are you running out of books to read? (If yes, I can’t relate, given the ...

Stuck at home and looking for an escape from the news? I can’t offer medical ...

Every year, Sheila at Book Journey hosts First Book, where she invites readers to send ...

This year I surpassed my reading goal of 60 books – my highest goal ever ...

What a year 2019 was for reading! Here are my top 10 reads of the ...

So this was the first year I participated in a reading challenge – on my ...

This year, Nicole and I devoted two episodes of our podcast The Readerly Report to ...

I am heading out on vacation today for almost two weeks. I am very excited. ...

Hi EDIWTB Readers! There are a lot of new visitors here, so I thought it ...