1,000 Page Views!

The EDIWTB blog has reached an important milestone: it has had over 1,000 page views! Thanks to all of you for following the blog and for your comments and suggestions.  It’s been a lot of fun so far.

I do feel the need to clear up one thing, though.  Of late, I have gotten several questions along the lines of "how do you have time to read all these books?"  Rest assured, I don’t.  I don’t read them all! The purpose of the blog is to share reviews of books that look good, not to read all of them.  As you can see from the columns to the right, I have read exactly two books since the blog launched, and am halfway through a third.  As much as I would like to be reading more, there are plenty of nights where I zone out watching "Project Runway" and leafing through Us Weekly. (Have I mentioned that I am a reality TV and celebrity gossip addict?).  Most nights I read about 4 pages in bed before I fall asleep.

So please don’t let the blog make you feel like you’re not reading enough.  The point of it is to find books to read for when you next have time to read, even if it’s not until your next vacation.

Thanks again for reading the blog, and keep the comments coming!