
A couple of random book-related items today:

1. The fantastic book blog Book Club Girl and Harper Collins are doing a great giveaway: 12 copies of 12 books – one selection a month for a year. There are some really good books on the list too: We Have To Talk About Kevin, The Space Between Us, The Yiddish Policeman’s Union, etc. One lucky book club will win copies of these great books for 12 of its members (144 books total). And even better – no time spent figuring out what to read next month! Click here to enter.

2. I have two books to give away to EDIWTB readers. I received them as review copies in the mail and would like to pass them along to someone who is interested in them. The first is The Best Old Movies For Families: A Guide To Watching Together, by Ty Burr. It is “an impassioned and eminently readable guide that introduces the delights of the golden age of movies. Ty Burr has come up with a winning prescription for children brought up on Hollywood junk food.” The second is for you romance book fans out there: After The Kiss, by Suzanne Enoch.  If you would like to have one of these books, leave a comment here with your email address and let me know which book you’re interested in. I will pick a name at random by COB on Friday, July 11.

Lichtenheld 3. Finally, I’d like to recommend another children’s book. This one makes me laugh out loud every time I read it, it has great adult humor, and it’s short! It’s called What Are You So Grumpy About? by Tom Lichtenheld and it’s about the things that put kids in a bad mood. The best page is the one with the cereal box ingredients. My girls are 4 and they are definitely enjoying it. I was also happy to see that Tom Lichtenheld has another book out called What’s With This Room?, which is about “the murk and stench of one boy’s messy room and presents a hilarious dialogue between parent and kid.”