It’s June, which means it’s time for the annual EDIWTB crowdsourced reading list. Thanks to ...

Earlier this month, I attended Book Expo 2018 in New York City. As always, the ...

Every year on January 1, Sheila at Book Journey hosts First Book at her blog. ...

I made it! I read 52 books this year, same as last year. That was ...

One day before the last day of spring… and here is the annual EDIWTB Crowdsourced Summer ...

Amazingly, my 2 huge, heavy boxes from BEA showed up on Monday, just one business ...

It’s June! My favorite month because of the long days, the glorious weather, and the promise ...

I am a little behind on reviews – have two to write. I’ve been reading, ...

Nicole Bonia and I have increased the frequency of our Readerly Report podcast episodes… have ...

My first read of 2017 is one that I didn’t get to last year, despite ...